Emergency management
Emergency couses
Emergency courses based on current ERC guidelines for medical practice
Emergency courses according to current ERC guidelines are offered for medical practices and facilities, with an emphasis on invasive and non-invasive treatment methods.
We recommend repeating the emergency course annually in order to ensure adequate and competent action in an emergency. All practice employees should be trained so that everyone is aware of their task and can react in an emergency. Knowledge about emergencies in medical practice is imparted intensively, whereby the course participants are made aware of patients with existing illnesses or upcoming incidents. From syncope, stroke and heart attack to anaphylactic shock requiring medication and the professional handling of medication in an emergency, intensive training is provided.
Course structure:
N1 - Emergency and complication management for the practice WITHOUT invasive treatment methods
Emergencies in practice
Heart attack
Injuries from falls
Hypo-, hyperglycemia
Infectious Disease Emergencies
Here it is important to have notifiable diseases to recognize and respond adequately
Communication with the liability insurance
Patient education
legal obligation to report side effects (manufacturer & farm)
Response chain (who, what, when) emergency concept for practice
N2 - Emergency and complication management for the practice WITH invasive treatment methods
Theoretical part:
Emergencies when using injectables
Pain / hematoma / inflammation
Abscesses / lymphatic congestion
vasovagal reactions / fainting / circulatory collapse
Side effects to preparations
Emergencies in practice
Heart attack
Injuries from falls
Hypo-, hyperglycemia
Infectious Disease Emergencies
Here it is important to recognize notifiable diseases and to react appropriately
Communication with the liability insurance
Patient education
legal obligation to report side effects (manufacturer & farm)
Response chain (who, what, when) emergency concept for practice
Pack & use the emergency kit
​After the course, the course participant receives the certificate as proof of competence towards insurance and liability and the patient.
With the emergency management course series, K2Medical offers the course participant a high level of in-depth knowledge and skills in dealing safely with emergencies in order to be able to work successfully on the market. The compact concepts enable safe and effective treatment and advice for the patient. Expertise creates trust, patient loyalty and satisfied, returning customers.